A few weeks before Christmas, I reached out to a number of podcasts to see if they had any interest in having me on to discuss my new book, We Were Kings, which was published on December 5.

Most of the podcasts were volleyball related – my own podcast, SANDCAST: Beach Volleyball with Tri Bourne and Travis Mewhirter, had me on, which was an interesting role reversal from asking questions to answering them. In a few weeks I’ll be on John Mayer’s and Billy Allen’s podcast, Coach Your Brains Out.

And, fortunately, Scott Kujak, host of The Underdog Podcast, a top-60 sports podcast in the entire country, thought it would be a fun thing to do as well.

You can listen to it here: https://www.underdogpc.com/podcast/travis-mewhirter

It was a different type of interview, discussing beach volleyball to someone with an audience that knows little to nothing about beach volleyball. Which is why it was so fun to discuss the book, which very much lives up to the podcast’s title – The Underdog.

It’s a fun interview, and Scott does an excellent job with his preparation and navigating a very, very foreign topic. I’d encourage you to listen, but frankly, I’m not in the business of telling people what to do with their time. If you’re stuck in traffic, it should, at the very least, keep you entertained.

And anyway, if you’re not interested in my podcast with Scott, the show is phenomenal, featuring army veterans, Olympians, CEOs, people far, far more accomplished than I.
